Sunday, May 31, 2009

God's Hand in Our Lives

Tonight as I was preparing a lesson for next week for the young women at church on keeping a journal, I ran across a talk given by President Henry B. Eyring in 2007. I had forgotten about this talk. This talk was my inspiration for starting this blog. President Eyring shared with us how keeping a journal over the years had benefited him. He gave this counsel;

“Tonight, and tomorrow night, you might pray and ponder, asking the questions: Did God send a message that was just for me? Did I see His hand in my life …? ….And then..find a way to preserve that memory for the day that [you], and those that [you] love, will need to remember how much God loves us and how much we need Him.”

We can see the Lord's hand in our lives. We can see the way our lives are touched by others, or how we might respond to a prompting and touch another's life.

I was reading over the book I made for Nicola when she turned 18. It has journal entries from before and during the time she was adopted. I cry even now when I read those entries and remember the joy we felt when that tiny, precious child was placed in our arms. I am so grateful I recorded the thoughts of my heart at that time.

We knew God's hand was touching our lives at that time. Each day we can lose sight of the gifts sent to us from above, the care and tenderness of our Father above, and, as Pres. Eyring says, God's hands in our lives. Now, it is time to record the precious moments of Noah's life, and how it touches ours. Now it is time to record the courage and faith Lynn has as she faces cancer. Now is the time to acknowledge God's hand- we each have this to share and preserve.

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